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Our History

It All Started In Whittier...


In the fall of 1990, concerned individuals from several local churches gathered together for a special evening of fundraising and education. The gifts from that event funded the vision of a Christian response to women and teens facing unplanned pregnancies, and because of their efforts, Whittier Pregnancy Care Clinic was born. 


Since opening our doors on March 4, 1991, WPCC has served thousands of women and teens from Whittier and surrounding communities. Several years later, in 1998, WPCC became one of the first pregnancy resource centers to become medically-licensed as a community clinic by the Los Angeles Department of Health.


In 1999, WPCC began offering limited diagnostic ultrasound services for the purpose of pregnancy confirmation. That same year, a formal pregnancy support group was implemented for patients who chose to carry their babies to term, called the Stepping Stones Pregnancy Support Program. Since its inception, Stepping Stones has provided personal support and empowered dozens of young women to become successful mothers, as well as introducing them to the love of Christ.

In 2010, WPCC began the After Abortion Support & Education Program, offering a biblically-based, post-abortion healing program in a small group format. This program is led by a certified facilitator and offers a safe place for those who have experienced abortion and are seeking peace, healing, and restoration. 


During the end of 2011, WPCC began a process of making some big internal and external changes to clinic procedures, for the purpose of maximizing assistance to women who are most vulnerable to the pressures of abortion. The goal is to eventually double and triple the number of patients that are served, as well as offer an after hours helpline. 


Through the years, with the addition of each service, Whittier Pregnancy Care Clinic has continued to hold fast to the Christian principles upon which we were founded. It is our deepest desire that each life we touch experiences the love and grace of our Lord and Savior.

And Then Came Pasadena...


In late Spring of 2013, Whittier Pregnancy Care Clinic felt God's calling to Expand. At that time, we had no idea God was going to call us to Expand to a new our little minds, we thought that we were going to open one more day a week in Whittier, but God had much bigger plans for us. 


In July 2013, WPCC's President/CEO received a call from the LivingWell Pregnancy Center in Pasadena asking if WPCC could take over their clinic because they were having to close down. After months of prayer and seeking guidance, God made it clear that this was the step we were supposed to take for his Mission. Thus, Whittier Pregnancy Care Clinic became Women's Pregnancy Care Clinic (still keeping it's abbreviation of WPCC). 

Women's Pregnancy Care Clinic of Pasadena opened its doors in February of 2014. There is a great need for a life-affirming clinic in that area. WPCC Pasadena is located on Lake Avenue, just a few minutes down the street from a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. Although we do not have figures for the abortions provided there, we do know that approximately 24-30 abortions occur at the Whittier Planned Parenthood every week. 

God made it apparent when LivingWell contacted us, that we were to expand our borders, so WPCC Whittier stepped out in faith towards this journey that God was calling us to venture, and he has already done so many amazing things in the community out there and we are excited to see what else he does with us in Pasadena and the surrounding communities.


For the next stage of our journey, click the button below.

We are excited to announce that as of October 2021, in partnership with the Grace Elliot Center, our Compton clinic is now open! 

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